In 100+ hours I never found a good combat rifle, never found that shotgun that felt just right, etc Another thing that is done poorly, especially in a game like this that promotes Co-Op so badly, is weapon sharing, it is none existant. Either you have a big clip, or you do high damage, or you have high accuracy, but you'll never have them all. Every single gun in this game has something negative to it, in fact I'd go as far as saying they only excel at one aspect at best. Well let me stop you right here, you will never, EVER find such a gun in Borderlands 2. a uber shotgun with high accuracy, 30 round drum, fast fire rate, fast reload speed, pretty much the perfect gun. Some of the most important aspects are done poorly, the guns is a big important part of the game and in the original it wasnt hard to find a gun you found to be perfect. After finishing the second playthrough and clocked over 100 hours, I can say this at least: A lot of people, hell almost everyone keeps claiming that Borderlands 2 is a big improvement upon the original and that everything is better then the first, truth is it really isnt true. Now I wanted to love Borderlands 2, I truly did, but something about the game was rubbing me the wrong way all the way through. After finishing the second playthrough and clocked over 100 hours, I can say this at least: A lot of people, hell almost everyone keeps I loved borderlands 1, LOVED it, played it 3 times, was great fun every single time, both by yourself and with others. I loved borderlands 1, LOVED it, played it 3 times, was great fun every single time, both by yourself and with others. For me I'm counting the days until Firaxis release Xcom. If you can live with the repetitiveness and want to get lost in the art style I recommend it. Which is upsetting as I was hoping for something a bit more subversive, gritty, and epic in scale. Which also makes playing early side missions and going back to early areas after you've levelled up pointless as all the loot is underpowered, and which is another tick against doing side missions.

The loot powers up with your level, so you'll never stumble across a great gun early on. They have randomised stats, and effects which once you've seen them, aren't too interesting. This is slightly disingenuous as there are 4 gun classes underneath which all guns are roughly similar. And finally the big USP is the limitless amount of guns. They almost always run at you and swarm you, which is doubly annoying when they respawn behind you.

The bipedal enemies are fun in the most part, but the creature enemies I found annoying. I've come to the conclusion that running through the story missions and actively avoiding side missions is the only way I can keep interest in the game after the 25 hour mark. Especially as when completing an area, taking up to an hour to advance the story, the next side mission you take often has you going literally around in circles through the same area you've just cleared, fighting instantly respawned enemies, and even respawned bosses. I make the comparison as the scale, complexity and exploration aspects of Fallout 3 is something that I started to crave. The game world feels cramped, this is no Capital Wasteland. My main complaint is with the limited scale of the areas. I didn't play Borderlands 1 and I can imagine if I had I'd be quite bored. However I'm 30 hours in and I can feel the repetitive gameplay become more evident as the novelty wears off.

Character animation when shooting is fun and the ragdoll physics makes the world feel nice and alive. The decoration of the areas, for want of a better word, is lush and interesting.

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Works very well on PC and, voice acting helps drive the story forward. However I'm 30 hours in and I can feel the repetitive gameplay become more evident as the Art style and presentation is fantastic.